Inside The Artist Studio

Inside The Artist Studio

Who doesn't get inspired by peeking into the studios of artists?  I am a complete voyeur when it comes to this and apparently I am not alone.  I ca...

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Summers in Wyoming

Summers in Wyoming

    Momma moose with her twins I just returned from two weeks in Wyoming where the temperatures were much lower, humidity non-existent and the f...

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Shopping in San Miguel

Shopping in San Miguel

This photo pretty much sums up the feel of the shops in San Miguel.  Natural, lightweight, handwoven materials both in clothing and home interiors...

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Handbags and Haciendas

Handbags and Haciendas

Cotacachi Crossbody Bag After Otavalo, our next stop was a small town named Cotacachi, referred to as the leather town.  I don't have any photos b...

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Cuba 2018 - Part One

Cuba 2018 - Part One

Duncan and I spent part of the holiday in Havana, and since a lot of people have yet to visit, I thought I would share my photos.  I have already s...

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